About us
“Innovation is our passion.
Our goal is to protect it with the utmost strength.”
Laura Turini, attorney, founder and chief of Ufficiobrevetti.it
We believe in the value of ideas and we are at the forefront to protect them alongside inventors. Innovation and technology are in our DNA that is why we created Ufficiobrevetti.it, the first italian website providing a fast and sage online service to register trademarks or designs, deposit original works, patent software and get consultations with an expert of the field.
About us
Trademark and Patent Attorneys
UfficioBrevetti.it was founded by attorney at law Laura Turini, who for over 30 years has been dealing with this matter, both as an attorney and as a journalist.
Qualified as a trademark and patent attorney, she is the author of the first book on the procedures of Internet domain reassignments, and of many essays and articles on industrial property for Il Sole 24 Ore, Maggioli and other publishing companies.
She is editorial director of the magazine Brevettinews.it, which publishes news on patents, trademarks, Internet and Privacy.
She founded Ufficiobrevetti.it with the aim to spread knowledge on this matter and to convey the importance of protecting patents, trademarks, designs, copyright and software. Today, following the need of the users and thanks to a team of highly qualified professionals, Ufficiobrevetti.it became a website which, in addition to informing, allows you to proceed directly with the filing and the protection of your ideas.

Our Team
Alongside attorney Laura Turini, there is a sizable group of professionals constantly updated and joined by the passion for their work.
The team is guided by three area leaders:
- Mario Emmi, Engineer: Italian and European Patent Attorney – Graduated in Aerospatial Engineering at Università di Pisa, he is Court-appointed technical expert of the Court of Florence and he is qualified to represent before the Unified Patent Court. He is head of the entire Patent Department.
- Chiara Morbidi: IT & IP Attorney at law, LLM – She graduated in Italian-French Jurisprudence at Università degli Studi di Firenze. Since 2015, she deals with industrial and intellectual property, both in judicial and extrajudicial fields, with particular reference to patents, trademarks, trade secrets and know-how, models and designs, copyright, unfair competition, to the IT field and in domain names disputes. In Ufficiobrevetti.it she is Head of the Legal Department.
- Giulia Mugnaini: Trademark Advisor and Italian and European Trademark Attorney – graduate in Law, in 2015 Giulia Mugnaini after passing the exam for the qualification as attorney at law, starts specializing in trademark law. As Trademark Attorney, she represents clients before the Italian IP Office, EUIPO and WIPO. She is Head of the Trademark & Design Department.
Our Method
Studio Brevetti Turini has strict organizational and qualitative standards with the utmost attention to the company organization and to the security of data processing, ensuring high quality services.

ISO 9001
for business organization

ISO 27001
for data security
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