If web pages are done based on information supplied by the client, what rights has the creator got over them?
A situation like this can be resolved in two very different but both correct, it all depends on the kind of agreement made with the client and the type of intervention given by the creator of the pages. If a client seeks a page’s creator to graphically and in a proper language develop some internet pages and he supplies the material and the basic idea of the same pages, then we are faced with a normal working contract, according to which the Web page’s creator is paid to do a certain work and the buyer acquires ownership of the made pages and the subsequent right to use as he considers fit, including the possibility of inserting them in another site. The matter could be different in the case where the maker has made an agreement with the client for the supply of a housing service of a machine, directly making, at his own care and expenses, the pages to be inserted on the basis of the contents supplied by the client and immediately agreeing that the pages will be his own propriety. In this case it is possible to prevent the client taking the pages and then directly transferring them to another site. In order not to argue when it is too late, it is better to clear up everything from the start, thus avoiding that the first year the client goes to a supplier of Internet Access and later on he takes over the ownership and goes to another supplier at cheaper prices.