I want to make available via internet my personal data bank: what must I do to protect it? What precautions must be taken to respect the privacy?
The databanks are part of the works protected by the copyright law. Particularly, their mere filling in protects them automatically, on condition that they are a collection with some novelty, either for the set up or for the particular type of contents. Obviously, it is not possible to get the exclusivity for the kind of databank that has been made: this means that if we have made a databank gathering together all the shoes sizes of the world foot-ball players, it is not possible preventing others doing the same thing, but it is possible to stop others using your own details, meaning the details for the data banks gathered together by the first person compiling it. It is wise, though, to deposit this at the SIAE, in order to be able to easily act against anyone copying it or getting some of the information out to reproduce them. As for the privacy, a lot depends on the type of collected information. If they are generic information related to objects or public data accessible by anyone doing searches in archives or libraries, then the person filling in the data is not required to do anything in particular. If instead, the information are addresses or, worse, data sensitive to political or religious opinions, meaning related to sexual orientation or religious of a group of people, then, in that case, first of all it would be necessary to get the authorisation of the interested parties, and secondly a series of precautions would have to be adopted to protect such data from illicit treatments by third parties.