What precautions must be taken before publishing a book?
When we decide to publish a book, whether it is a research, a poems collection or any other writing, first of all it must be deposited, as inedited work, at the SIAE by filling in the proper forms and paying the relative fees.
This enables to show the work to potential editors without the worry of being copied, whilst once the book gets published, the proper “copyright” would have to be requested by applying to the Presidency of the Ministers Council. From a contract point of view, a contract for the edition would need to be done by an expert in this sector who will also get a percentage on the book-selling price.
Obviously taxes will have to be paid on the profits, but the taxman looks favourably at the earnings for copyright, by providing the taxes to be calculated at 75% of the taxable amount, leaving the remaining 25% practically tax free.