Section: Patents Patents
The Italian Patent and Trademark Office: what it deals with UIBM (the Italian Patent and Trademark Office) is the Office of the Ministry of Economic […]
History, functions and tasks of the European Patent Office EPO is the acronym of European patent Office, the Office charged of providing with uniform procedure […]
Do you want to know if your invention has already been invented? You can do it with esp@cenet, an online free service collecting patents and patent applications.
The choice of the transferral or not of the patent depends mainly on the financial and commercial evaluation rather than the juridical one, but, usually, who forms a company to exploit a patent, must at least be able to use it in some way, otherwise there is no point. To allow the company to be […]
The granting of the patent is not essential for the production of the object. There are many items being produced without having requested any patent, as this is not a certificate enabling the production, but a document for the prevention against others manufacturing the same invention. As a matter of fact, the same granting of […]
After having deposited the patent application, and even before it gets granted, the patent holder is protected from the legal point of view to all effects. It is true that the application remains secret for a minimal period of 90 days and maximum of 18 months, but this does not mean that the requestor has […]
It is true that the Italian regulation on patents forces the Italian residents to file the patent applications for the inventions in our country, and to wait a period of no less than three months before it can be extended abroad. This is a rule to protect the interests, mainly military ones, of the State […]
Patents Patents are strategic assets for a company that wants to grow on the market. What do you obtain after filing it? Welcome to the Patent section To file a patent application, it is necessary to prepare the correct documents with the support of an expert. Below you will find a list of the main […]
First of all it is necessary to understand the actual invented system and, above all, if it is only an idea or if it is clear how it should be made. In this second instance, it is already possible to file a patent application related to the system in its entirety, describing in detail its […]
If, in fact, there are patents prior to a competitor preceding his invention, then there really is a possibility of asking to have it annulled as one of the essential requisites (the novelty) necessary for the granting, is missing. It is not surprising that in Italy the patent has been granted, as in our country […]
Usually the holder of a patent does not have to inform others of the existence of it and can start a lawsuit for infringement without notifying anybody. This happens because patents are public documents that, in theory, everyone can see; therefore whoever copies a patented item commits an illegal action, whether he was aware or […]
It is really a good rule to deposit patents of your own innovative objects before presenting them to the public, but unfortunately not everybody does this, often preferring to first evaluate if the market has an interest for it, and only deciding to patent it if this is positive, but by then is not always […]
It is very strange that the European Patent Office has sent no information after an application for a European patent in 1995. Once filed the application, this must be followed in its track, often the office sends notifications and above all, the annual fees maintaining the validity must be paid. Particularly, you must have received […]
An invention to be properly patented must be new and therefore must never have been produced, commercialized or even just presented to the public before the patent application has been filed. On the contrary, the patent loses its validity and anyone could produce it. Your friend was probably referring to this particular instance, but before […]
The weight of the goods is a feature that cannot be considered for an industrial right, whether it is a patent or any other kind. Admitting this sort of protection would mean precluding anybody else manufacturing the same object with the identical weight, but using different components and therefore, this would constitute a regime of […]
It is perfectly understandable that who has invented something may be concerned about the discovery that someone else might have beaten him to it by a flash. Obviously it is better proceeding with the patent application as soon as possible, but it is sensible to have a clear idea on what we want to protect. […]
Before purchasing a patent it would be wise to do the necessary verification, as a simple declaration given by the inventor is of very small importance. Of course this could be useful to act against him in case of bad faith or false information, but it would not resolve the risk of being unable to […]
If we handover a patent it means that we have “sold” it to a company or private person which now becomes effectively the owner. In such case all the related responsibilities, including payment of the annual fees, are up to the new owner and not the original requestor who has nothing more to do with […]
Up until 2001 and particularly at the enactment of Rule n. 383 of the 18th October 2001 introduced in the Art 24 b. of the Inventions Ruling in force then, the invention realized by a worker who was employed as a researcher, generally belonged to the firm employing and paying him a monthly salary. However, […]
Foreign Patent The foreign patent is a strategic asset for a company that wants to grow in International Markets Here are 3 rights you will obtain after the registration: Welcome tu the Foreign Patent section If you don’t want to file your patent in Italy, Europe or at an International level but on the contrary […]
International Patent Filing an International patent (or PCT) allows to “book” your patent essentially almost in every country of the world by a single one application. Rely on the advice of our specialized patent attorneys to: Welcome to the International Patent section To file an International patent application, it is necessary to prepare the correct […]
European Patent File a European Patent and protect your invention in many countries! With the help of a patent attorney you can: Welcome to the European Patent section To file a European Patent application, it is necessary to prepare the correct documents with the support of an expert. Below you will find a list of […]
Italian Patent Protect your invention for 20 years. File an industrial patent in Italy now! Choose an Italian patent with the help of a specialized patent attorney to: Welcome to the Italian Patent section To file an Italian patent application, it is necessary to prepare the correct documents with the support of an expert. Below […]
Filing a Patent Why file a patent? There are at least 4 good reasons to do it: Welcome to the Patent section To file a patent application, it is necessary to prepare the correct documents with the support of an expert. Below you will find a list of the main topics on the subject, to […]